Thursday, May 27, 2010

The sun is starting to shine

Instead of seeing thing with your natural eye, learn to see things how God sees them. We all have our ups and downs, our trying times, and times where our patience is tested on a consisten basis but through it all, God is still in control and if you focus on the light at the end of the tunnel, you will see that the sun is starting to shine. We look at our problems with a maginfying glass and make them bigger than what they are.

Monday, May 17, 2010


We often pay attention to the things that we cook, making sure the batter is the right consistency before we put that cake into the oven or the pancakes on the griddle. We make sure to pay attention and watch over our food carefully. What about our bodies?? Are we taking that same kind of consistency with our bodies?? Are we eating foods that are going to help or harm ourselves. What about our spiritual being?? Are we consistency feeding it the word of God?? Or are we starving it to death?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


There's alot that goes on in ones life and sometimes that leaves us wondering if we truly hear from God or not. Well I am gonna solve the mystery for you. YES! Yes, we hear from God each and every day. The problem is that we don't always like or want to hear what He has to say. If He doesn't answer us a certain way, God ain't talkin. If He doesn't bless us the way we want to be blessed, God don't hear our prayers. The thing you have to ask yourself is this: Are you praying amiss??

Think about it...I'll wait.

Monday, May 3, 2010


This weekend, I did something that was totally out of my comfort zone. Let me explain...I was invited to a conference. Initially I said yes but as the days grew closer, my fears of being around people I don't know seemed to overtake me and I started to give excuse after excuse after excuse. The woman hosting the conference would not take no for an answer so at almost the last minute, I decided to go. And I am glad that I did. Not only were there people that I did not know, there were also people there that I knew and supported me. The point of it all is that sometimes we have to step out of the box, away from our comfort zone and step out on faith. You will be surprised at what you encounter.