Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Personality conflicts

How do you handle people that change like the wind?? One minute they are tolerable then the next, intolerable?? I will tell you like I heard it said one time makes you wanna scream!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bad moods

Why does it seem like everytime someone is in a bad mood, you just happen to be in the line of fire?? Why can't people learn how to control their emotions and not take their anger out on other people?? Especially people that did not have anything to do with the issue at hand?? Take your anger out on the person or thing that upset you and stop trying to ruin other folks's day. Better yet, take it to the Lord in prayer and let Him handle it. When you allow people to upset you or change your mood, you are essentially giving them charge over you. Do you not know that change starts in the mind and when people get into your mind, they control you. "Do you like me? Yes or No?" I need to know so that I can adapt how I am supposed to feel about you. Just craziness. Get it together people!

Rough days

This morning started off really rough. Nothing went right and every thing I touched seemed to break. Not to mention, a killer headache woke me out of my sleep two hours earlier than I needed to be up. And women, you know how we get when we are having a bad hair day!! It was the worst. I sat on the edge of my bed and prayed "Lord, nevertheless!" I took a few deep breathes, put my big girl panties on and went full speed ahead.

In life, when things tend to start off wrong, we allow it to ruin the rest of the day. No matter how the day starts (or ends), this is still a day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and make the best of it. Ask yourself this....why should God give you another day if you are just going to waste it??

Think about it....I'll wait.......

Monday, March 29, 2010


Oftne times we as singles find ourselves thinking of the loneliness inside that we feel. We see couples getting engaged or married couples celebrating years of wedded bliss. We wonder when is it going to be our turn or what we are doing wrong. There's nothing wrong with being single. The problem is our focus on being single. Take this opportunity to do something with your life, go back to school, change careers, travel. Live life to the fullest. You hav to be complete as a single before you get married or you will rely on that man/woman to fill that spot that is only meant for God to fill.