Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sick of yourself

I have a question. What do you do when you get to the point where you are sick of yoruself?? That's where I have been these past few weeks. I have been sick of myself and everything about me. Ontop of that, I've been feeling this "pull", this urgency to turn and go back. With both of those feelings combined, I have been a time bomb waiting to explode. After ot eing able to handle it any longer, I went to a woman that I knows is a praying, fasting, women and had a talk with her about my feelings. Now, this is the part that's gonna blow your mind. She didn't tell me anything I wasn't already hearing in my spirit. But it was as if right at that moment, I knew what I had to do.

When you get to that place where you are getting sick of yourself, that' when you need to gird up your wings and pray ernestly to God. Isolate yourself, and remove yourself from situations you are in and turn to HIM. He's trying to get your attention.

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