Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Feeling the pull

I've been up since 3:30am. I could not figure out why I was awake or why I could not go back to sleep. I just lay there, thinking about my life, things I need to change, areas I can improve, people I need to let go but don't know how. Life is a continuous learning process and it's up to us to figure out what we are learning and the lessons that are trying to be taught.

What is being "pulled" out of you?


  1. Being up late at night...or should we say in the wee hours of the morning, is a sure symbol of a restless spirit. Letting go of old habits, people, places, and things involves a process, so it doesn't readily happen on a whim. Letting go also requires acceptance, which is the acknowledgement that the end of an era has arrived...think of it as the grieving process, with the final stage being that of acceptance. When you have accepted that it is time to let things go only then will you be able to truly move on.

  2. Letting go of some old habits is the easy part. Letting go of people that have been in your life for a while is the hard part....But I know that it is time for change, new beginnings, and moving on
