Monday, April 19, 2010

New Things

This weekend started off pretty rocky for me but it ended up being one of the best weekends I've had in a while. Not only did I get plenty of information from a luncheon that I attended, I also recieved a blessed word from God and a confirmation. Just think, I started not to do anything or go anywhere because of the way my weekend started out. I was just gonna mope around the house, feeling sorry for myself. Glad I didn't! One thing that I learned from this weekend, is no matter how it starts, what matters most is how you finish.


  1. This is a comment that you need to share with others. How you start out is not that important, its where you finish. I don't know if you have considered putting this out there on facebook but you should. It's excellent.

  2. Okay, I will do that. Have an awesome day in Christ.
