Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hump Day

Here we are in the middle of the work week. Hump day. In life, we all have hurdles to climb and hills to get over. How you get over your "hump" will determine the blessing you receive. If you are constantly going through, wearing your feelings on your sleeve, letting everyone know you are going through something, that is your reward; from people. When you turn it over to God with a cheerful heart, your reward comes from Him. Everyone does not need to know when you are going through.


  1. "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1. Trials and tribulations are necessary events in life for the strengthening of the spirit in faith, and building a strong character. It's like exercise for the soul...if you don't use it you will lose it! Think about the Stock Market crash during the 1920's, which caused the Great Depression, many of those wealthy investors jumped out their windows because they never had to struggle for anything in life, so they were not prepared for life!

  2. I know times get rough but nothing in life should cause you to take your life. The Bible says, God's stregnth is made perfect in our weakness.

  3. AMEN regarding the Hump Day comments. Every one does not need to know what you are going through. They most often can't help anyway. That's why we have the Lord! Good Word...

  4. So true, but to those who do not know the Lord suicide in their eyes may be their only option. To us who know and love the Lord we turn to Him for strength, and renewal while drawing upon the fact that there is a season for everything, and that light is at the end of the tunnel of darkness.

  5. And that is why God gives us the spirit of discernment ladies. When we heed the movement of the spirit, He will put us in the path of those that don't know and that are reaching..

    Be blessed.
